Dr. jur. Marcus Huhmann, Lawyer
Curriculum Vitae:
- Born 1965 in Kiel, Schleswig Holstein
- School Time in Hannover, London (Hill House School), Fulda
- Legal studies at the universities of Kiel and Freiburg / Breisgau,
- 1992 – 1995 legal clerkship at the regional court of Ellwangen / Jagst,
- 1995/1995 Bank Trainee program at Vereins- und Westbank, Hamburg
- 2002 PhD at the University of Kiel
- Lawyer since 1997
- 1997/1998 Associat lawyer at Legal office Hutzel in Fulda,
- 1999 – 2007 Inhouse-lawyer at IKB Private Equity GmbH, Düsseldorf,
- Since 2007 Legal office Dr. Huhmann, Düsseldorf
- German Society for Banking Law,
- German Society for Corporate Law