
Boutique Law Firm of the year, Europe - Continent Excellence Awards 2011

verliehen vom Intercontinental Finance Magazine

James Turner vom Intercontinental Finance Magazin begründete die Auszeichnung wie folgt: "You have been voted as a winner in the InterContinental Finance Magazine’s Global Awards 2011 for BOUTIQUE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR – Europe Your firm is considered to have performed to exceptional levels during one of the most difficult economic periods ever experienced."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung aus einer Meinungsumfrage unter der Leserschaft des Intercontinental Finance Magazins, an der sich rund  13.365 Leser beteiligt haben).


Corporate Commercial Law Firm of the Year - Germany, Global Awards 2011

verliehen von Deal Makers Monthly Magazin

Phil Perchard vom DealMakers Monthly Magazin begründet die Auszeichnung wie folgt: "The DealMakers Global Awards 2011 recognize a select number of leading professional firms, across the globe, for their individual areas of specialization, within their geografical location. .... We recognize and salute the organizations & advisers that have performed to exceptional levels during the most difficult period that global economy has experienced for decades."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung aus einer Meinungsumfrage unter der Leserschaft des DealMakers Monthly Magazins, an der sich rund 18.745 Leser beteiligt haben). 


Leading Advisor 100 - 2011

verliehen vom Finance Monthly Magazin 2011

Andrew Palmer vom Finance Monthly Magazine sagt dazu: "This excluxive list of only 100 advisors recognises achievement from the leading transaction advisors across the globe - from those involved in the biggets deals to those involved in the deals within the tiger economies which are helping to define our future".


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung neben einer Meinungsumfrage innerhalb der Leserschaft des Finance Monthly Magazin durch ein 5-stufiges Auswahlverfahren seitens der Redaktion des Finance Monthly Magazin).


Boutique Law Firm of the year, Germany - Legal Excellence Awards 2011

verliehen vom Intercontinental Finance Magazine

James Turner vom Intercontinental Finance Magazin begründete die Auszeichnung wie folgt: "You have been voted as a winner in the InterContinental Finance Magazine’s Legal Excellence Awards 2011 for BOUTIQUE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR – GERMANY Your firm is considered to have performed to exceptional levels during one of the most difficult economic periods ever experienced."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung aus einer Meinungsumfrage unter der Leserschaft des Intercontinental Finance Magazins, an der sich rund 15.542Leser beteiligt haben).


Law Award 2011 Winner

verliehen vom Finance Monthly Magazin 2011

Winner in the category of Boutique Law Firm of the Year, Germany


Andrew Palmer vom Finance Monthly Magazine sagt dazu:

"The role of corporate lawyers cannot be underestimated, they have been at the very heart of the global recovery and their day to day involvement is vital to ensure stability, consolidation and growth.  The past year has seen the green shoots of recovery begin to blossom and although the difficult business environment is ever present, law firms continue to flourish. In difficult trading conditions such as these the successful firms innovate and stay fleet of foot to meet the changing business climate head on. The 2011 Finance Monthly law awards recognises all those firms that have dedicated their resources to innovation, built on their depth of expertise and performed outstandingly over the year."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung neben einer Meinungsumfrage innerhalb der Leserschaft des Finance Monthly Magazin durch ein mehr-stufiges Auswahlverfahren seitens der Redaktion des Finance Monthly Magazin an dem sich ).


Corporate Commercial Law Firm of the Year - Germany, Country Awards 2011

verliehen von Deal Makers Monthly Magazin

in der Kategorie Corporate Commercial Law Firm of the Year - Germany


Richard Stanford vom DealMakers Monthly Magazin begründet die Auszeichnung wie folgt:

"The Deal Makers Country Awards 2011 campaign provides our global readership with a comprehensive guide to those firms that are noted for demonstrating a consistently high level of ability, within those Countries that the monthly publications reaches, whilst ensuring they are kept well informed as to who the firms of note are, thus ensuring those Awad winning firms receive appropriate recognition and acknowledgement."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung aus einer Meinungsumfrage unter der Leserschaft des DealMakers Monthly Magazins, an der sich rund 17.115 Leser beteiligt haben). 


Top Private Equity & M&A Specialist - Highly Commended Top Tier 2011

verliehen vom Intercontinental Finance Magazine

in der Kategorie: Top Private Equity & M&A Specialist – GERMANY

Top Boutique Law Firm of the year, Germany - Intercontinental Finance Law Awards 2011

verliehen vom Intercontinental Finance Magazine

James Turner vom Intercontinental Finance Magazin begründete die Auszeichnung wie folgt: "You have been voted as a winner in the InterContinental Finance Law Awards 2011 for Top BOUTIQUE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR – GERMANY


Boutique Law Firm of the year, Germany - Global Awards 2010

verliehen vom Intercontinental Finance Magazine

James Turner vom Intercontinental Finance Magazin begründete die Auszeichnung wie folgt: "You have been voted as a winner in the InterContinental Finance Magazine’s Global Awards 2010 for BOUTIQUE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR – GERMANY. Your firm is considered to have performed to exceptional levels during one of the most difficult economic periods ever experienced."


(Hervorgegangen ist diese Auszeichnung aus einer Meinungsumfrage unter der Leserschaft des Intercontinental Finance Magazins, an der sich rund  9.800 Leser beteiligt haben).